Sueann Musick
Editor Transaction
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am sending you a short article for your consideration.
Yours truly,
Aspi Maneckjee
Livingstone's Cove.
Antigonish. N.S.
"Happiness is inward, and not outward; and so, it does not depend on what we have, but on what we are."
- Henry Van Dyke (1852-1933)
author, educator, clergyman
Few years ago I was invited to a documentary movie
made by Canadian Internationall Development Agency
(CIDA), the movie was about the country of Mozambique,
which is next to South Africa.
After the independence from Portugal, the country was
left in a sad state, no jobs and bad economy. However,
the people lived off the land by farming and
handicrafts, and people were happy and content with
the simple and family life. Then the materialistic
bug made the man folks to go and work in the gold,
diamond and copper mines in South Africa with better
pay than the subsidence living. After going to South
Africa the man got infected by HIV/Aids virus, and
when they returned home to the families they infected
their wives/women, and therefore the whole generation
of man and woman died due to Aids. The children were
left with grand parents only. The moral of the this
true story justifies the quote in this message. This
message applies to all who value materialistic goods and have given up on religious and moral ways of life. Amen.
Aspi Maneckjee.
29th August, 2007.